
F*ck you asian unicorn

First of all, I'm off to Taiwan... see you some time next year! Starting in roughly 2 hours, I'll be on a 22 hour trip from Vienna to Frankfurt to Peking to Taipei.
The first weekend I'll be staying at a couchsurfers-place in Taipei to enjoy the Taipei Arts Festival (looking forward to it) and the cs'er with his self-given name Stanley, invited me with following words - "hope u have two mouth & two stomach ,there is lot's of Yummy food here :P ."
I like that :)
But that's not all, he also introduced me to.. *lighting+thunder*.. S A O L A.
Who/What is Saola you might ask? This is Saola...

... a huge typhoon is approaching Taiwan, and it will hit the island (yes, yes) on the 2nd of August, my planned arrival date.
So hopefully, I'm not getting stuck in Peking (for too long), and Saola turns out to be actually not that bad.

Well, I am excited! :)

See you over there,
Dawid the asian unicorn


Anonymous said...

Wenn man genau hinsieht, bemerkt man das der Typhon zu 100 % aus Spinnen besteht... na dann alles Gute. Ich werd Dich vermisen.

Christoph said...

Omg, pass auf dich auf. Ich bin morgen in Gedanken bei dir. Und ich hoff du hast dir schon einen passenden Wilson zurechtgelegt, für den Fall der Fälle :D

Joe said...

what would martin salzbacher do?!!