
Taipei Recap

So, after one week oin Taipei I'm finally now in Tainan.
How was Taipei!? I have to say.. great! I was couchsurfing with this this really great guy Stanley and his lovely family.
He introduced me to his friends, to delicious food and showed me some nice places in Taipei.

Taipei Main Station is incredible (big), I was getting lost several times.
The main thing you can do at TPS is shopping shopping shopping.
One awfully awful my I watched: Total Rekall. If you think of watching it... DON'T!
I've been to two exhibitions at the Tabacco factory Taipei: "Play Bauhaus" and "very fun park: the power of color" - both great
mr. brown coffee mr. brown coffee mr. brown coffee
Taipei 101 - to expensive (the shops in there and the price for the observation deck)
concert at "The Wall"
lovely movie "Kisses"
when we ride the bikes, we don't mind the lights (kind of dangerous, but it's working)
beer is expensive here
fixie bikes everywhere
hipster paradise

I'm not a banana, D.

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