

So, I`m going to start from the beginning.
There is one thing that`s really funny everytime I`m flying away... showing my passport. It`s everwhere the same, the securities on the borders are just laughing out loud, sometimes followed by a nice "hihi, what happend to you?? hihi" and finally waving me through into their country.
So, I`m finally in Japan, at Narita Airport, here I come, nobody can stop me! Nobody? There`s somone, something. The ATM (for those who don`t know: Bankomat) First I tried my luck at an only japanese machine, then I wasn`t able to find out how, or in wich direction I have to put my bankomatkarte into that thing. When I finally was able to get some cash out of the machine, I withdrawed the crazy amout of 1,4 euros (2000 Yen). After that, my Bankomatkarte wouldn`t give me any more money, because I`ve already taken to much of my account. After that I decided to stick to my creditcard. With finally 100,000 yen (70 euro) in my pocket, I bought a chai tea latte, and a new york cheesecakesomething (at starbucks, mhhhhh) and I was on my way into the city, to the Tokyo station. Oh yes, after I bought, that chai tea I realised 100,000 yen aren`t 70 euros, but 700 euros (I felt, and still feel, quite uncomfortable with so much money in my pockets)
So, Mr. Liftinger David is now in Tokyo. "puhh, what do I need? Sleep!" Unfortunately, I had to wait about 10 hours to meet up with my couchsurfer. So I decided to just go into a park and take a nap. Sadly, this park I was going to, was the imperial park, right in front of the imperial palace. Nobody was allowed to sit on the grass, not to mention sleeping on that grass. Lots of police man and securities made sure that no one even touched that grass. So I had to look for another park, happily I found one, right next to the imperial palace, with some shogun statue in the middle. So I finally could lay down, and took a nap (with some crazy dreams).

So I wake up again, totally confused where I am (oh yes, tokyo) and decide to get something to eat. So I walked around in that area and had to find out, that the menus in restaurantes are only written in japanese, no english at all. After walking around like a strayed dog, i finally got to some japanese sandwich thing and just pointed with my finger at something delicious, gave the cashier some money and swallowed that thing as fast as possible, like Andi would do. That was sooo good.
After spending the day near the Tokyo station and the imperial palace, I was on my way to the Tokyo tower.

There I met up with my, living and working in Japan, french couchsurfer, Louis. A huge, really nice, 2 meters guy. We went to his apartment (relly tiny) and I could finally take a shower and just fell deadlike into my bed. (not really a bed, it was more like... yes, the floor, but it was great and I slept like a king!!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

klingt alles verdammt lässig. Schön das du viel Geld hast. Und kein Wort verstehst. Außerdem habe ich grade meine enge, hellblaue Boxershort an, bei der es mir alles so schön rausdrückt. Ich wünsche dir noch einen schönen Tag.

lg andi fuka