
Die Kunst ist eine Erfindung des Teufels. Unterwasser Meschenjagd.

These kind of quotes and others, I see nearly every day on Japans streets. I guess its kind of popular to have something German written on your shirt.
So what did I do the last couple days, I stayed another day with that karaoke dude in Fukaya. At that day it rained like hell and I got wet like I was swimming through the Atlantic ocean. That guy let me eat one of the most disgusting things I have ever eaten, but he like's it so much, that this is the reason why he gets up every morning. By the way check out "Kids in the hall". It is funny.
The next day I couchsurfed at this couple's place, Drew and Alice. So what do you expect when somebody invites you to their home, at least the floor, but what did I get, a whole house. Yes, because they are both english teachers and it is a common thing here that the school pays you the house. So, two teachers, two houses. I stayed at the so called playhouse. There where tons of vinyl, lots of instruments + a whole studio. It was great!! I stayed there for two nights, and then I was on my way to Nagoya. I went with the so called "Bullet Train", means 600 kilometers in 2 hours, isn't that great?!
There I stayed with a guy called Justin, on Thursday he turned 31, and he had an birthday party. I got to know lots of really nice people, from all parts of the world. I ended up driving my bike fairly drunk through the city of Nagoya and it was great.
Yesterday, I took the train to Osaka, and tomorrow I'm going to Hiroshima.
In mini meini mo, da David.
P.S.: the japanes word "nama" means, raw, draft (beer), unplugged, and sex with no condom


Anonymous said...

P.S.: the japanes word "nama" means, raw, draft (beer), unplugged, and sex with no condom

.. am besten in der reihenfolge!

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna nama u up your ass!!!

... tja irgendwer musst das sagen... und ich mach das ja gerne... das sagen mein ich...

und was war das furchtbare Essen?

lg aus Linz (aka vielbesseralsjapan)

Anonymous said...

seriously, kid's in the hall, huh?! i thought you hated that show...

har har. agnes.

Anonymous said...

geil, geil, geil!

ich glaub ich flieg dich morgen besuchen!