Yesterday we joined Adrian and some of his friends supporting the Chicago Cups. Since 99 years they've been not so good. But still, baseball is the most boring game in the world. It sucks. It's over 4 hours and you see fat people standing, waiting, doing nothing. Baseball is just a huge stupid excuse to drink beer. We drank Oldstyle, the official Cups beer, tasted like Gambrinous only with more water. Hey and don't forget, it's light beer ;). Isn't that awesome.
But the night was great, it was really really funny. We had a great time.
Tomorrow we'll get up at 4:00 to catch our flight back to NY. We'll fly from Chicago Midway over Atlanta to NY LaGuardia. Check that out on the map, it's crazy.
Last day in Chicago... well we're going to miss you. We got to know new friends and lost of nice people. So long dudes, hopefully we'll see you in Austria one day.
handle with care, David
is david a little bit homesick? ohh, poor chap!
we miss you too, mostly agnes, but still we miss you. ;)
Actually I ment the guys from Chicago. But yes, I miss you guys at home too.
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