Back from Vieques and moved to another Couchsurfer. The island was really nice, we stayed on a beach, which was reserved just for us. We climb over rocks from one beach to another until we found our prefered one. We stayed for one night until we realized the flood did come and we were trapped on the beach. Luckily in the afternoon the water got back again, so we could get away from that beach.
If you wanna do something once, do it twice and it still doesn't work, it's Puerto Rico. David
So an Strand hätt i a gern daham im Garten. An dieser Stelle auch mal von mir schöne Grüße. Sorry hab erst jetzt den link bekommen *gg*
PS: Go Lifti, go Lifti!!!
Und übrigens. tolles bling bling das dir deine Mutter gekauft hat...
n1 pic
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