
Wrap up

Arriving in Kun Shan
Moving into dormitories
Yhak.. kind of small.. getting used to it
Where's my mattress?
Vivid international office
Everybodie's from central america
Belize belize... I guess I'd like to visit belize, 300.000 people speaking english - British Honduras
Cheeeeap food, 50 NT all you can eat
Summer camp at Pingtung University - in the middle of nowhere
Missed the bus, have to go by myself. Getting lost. Taxi. Train. Taxi. Where am I?
Taking the train, surprisingly easy, quite comfortable.
Arriving. Group Nine. Everybody speaks english. Monkeys, snakes and super hot raincoats.
Summer camp, what's it about? Environment, sustainable energy, volunteering. Thinking of leaving on the first day.
Food is awesome! People are nice.
WHERE'S MY MATTRESS? No mattress, it's like sleeping on the floor, laughing my ass off, can't believe it.
Waking up. No mattress = feeling like shit. Food. Class. Pause with food. Class continues. Food. New class. Pause with food. New class. Food. Games. Searching for something to sleep on like a maniac... That's a BINGO.  "Borrowing" mattress. Playing volleyball. FUN! Beer. Oh you precious mattress.. sleeping like a KING! Everybody else - jealous.
Next day - same routine. Getting to know loads and loads of people.
Last day, Food. Class. Pause with food. Certificate. Tons of pictures. End.
Catching a ride to Kaoshung. Art. New people. Very nice people. Delicious food. Great city. Tired. Driving back to Tainan. Tons of facebook request. Sleep.
Sleeping. Resting. Waiting. Drive! Done.
Monday, checking KSU - College of Creative Media. Suddenly, Hans. New workplace aquired. Food again. Yummy!
Working. Food.
Working. Food.
Working. Typhoon?! Sleeping is difficult.
Typhoon??? Sleeping is even more difficult.
Typhoon... not really. Sleeping is getting better.
Tainan, here I am.
Bus No. 2 is my friend. This City is filled with people... filled!
1 Mile. Premium Rush. Walking.. home.
I need to get a ride, quick.

Buzshidao, D.

Taking a walk

Premium rush, D.


Typhoon Tembin... come at me bro


Ok this is it, this is gonna be my first typhoon (ever). Looks kind of scary from far far away, I guess I will find out tomorrow, and the following 2 days (yes, a typhoon lasts at least(!) 3 days.. that's what they tell me) if it really is.. scary I mean.

Well, I bought loads of instant noodles and hope it's not gonna be to bad at last.

Good night and good luck, D.



This is a project I wanted to realize with Stefan this upcoming year, unfortunately Linz EXPORT didn't want to fund it, so it's on hold right now. Thanks to Bernadette for helping to create the project description (unfortunately in german)


Taipei Recap

So, after one week oin Taipei I'm finally now in Tainan.
How was Taipei!? I have to say.. great! I was couchsurfing with this this really great guy Stanley and his lovely family.
He introduced me to his friends, to delicious food and showed me some nice places in Taipei.

Taipei Main Station is incredible (big), I was getting lost several times.
The main thing you can do at TPS is shopping shopping shopping.
One awfully awful my I watched: Total Rekall. If you think of watching it... DON'T!
I've been to two exhibitions at the Tabacco factory Taipei: "Play Bauhaus" and "very fun park: the power of color" - both great
mr. brown coffee mr. brown coffee mr. brown coffee
Taipei 101 - to expensive (the shops in there and the price for the observation deck)
concert at "The Wall"
lovely movie "Kisses"
when we ride the bikes, we don't mind the lights (kind of dangerous, but it's working)
beer is expensive here
fixie bikes everywhere
hipster paradise

I'm not a banana, D.


Thunder in paradise

Yesterday I was a tourist and went to the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall Square..
... and at one point it was "somewhat" of raining

Mr. Brown Coffee, D.


...and suddenly I'm tall

After a couple of days in Beijing, I finally arrived in Taipei! Yeah :)
The first thought that crossed my mind arriving in the city center "This looks and feels a whole lot like Japan".
After the millions and billions of people in Beijing, I felt quite relieved to be in Taipei.. still it is crowded, but not too bad. The people a   v e r y    nice here and it is a lot less loud then in China. The people in Beijing tend to speak very loud (someone might call it screaming).
My couchsurfing host put it in following words, if you walk on a narrow street and a person wants to pass by you, in China the person will push you out of the way, in Japan the person will keep standing behind you, look on the floor and wait until you realize that the person wants to pass, and in Taiwan the person will kindly ask you if it would possible to pleases step aside, so he/she can pass.
Yesterday, I visited the old tobacco factory in Taipei, which is now on of the creative centers of the city. It's a great place, it's stuffed with galleries, museums and exhibitions. Fantastic! Hopefully something similar will happen to the tobacco factory in Linz.
Oh, and I've been to the Art Disctrict in Beijing (also an used-to-be industry complex) it's even bigger than in Taipei, it's full of galleries, street art, sculptures.. mostly contemporary art. If you ever go to Beijing, you HAVE TO visit it! Do it! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/798_Art_Zone
Generally I have to mention, that a lot more people visit contemporary art museums here, than in Austria. It seems to be more natural to go to exhibitions, people from every age visit (families with kids, teenagers, adults, old folks) It's more like a visit to the cinema... entertainment.
Well, I'm off to 101 now ;)

Xie xie, D.


every day a picture

Because I think the idea of Stefan to take a picture every day is so charming, I decided to do it myself so here's my everydayapicturethingy.

Lauwei, D.

China without a visa

To following text I wrote, before I found out that in China not only facebook, twitter, Tiananmen_Square_protests_of_1989 is blocked, but Blogspot also.

I've safely arrived.. in Beijing. No, not Taiwan, but China. Because of the typhoon i have to stay in Beijing until the 6th of August.
Right now I have a visa until tomorrow, so hopefully they can add 3 more days so I don't have to stay in the airport. After doing this, I'll be heading into the city and check out "Die verbotene Stadt".
Right now I'm staying at a hotel at the expense of Air China.
About the flight... Vienna - Frankfurt was good, Frankfurt - Beijing.. not so (you might think)
Even before the plane was on its way to the rollfield, while everybody was still trying to find the right sitting position, the person right in front of threw up on his whole chair in front of him. He wanted to puke in the "Speibsackerl" but Air China decided to put a seal on the "Sackerl", so when your mouth is already halffull of vomit (and you feel like enjoying the moment), you should relax, keep cool and take your time to slowly unpeal the seal and open the "Speibsackerl", so you can puke into it like a sir...
Well this guy didn't look like a sir and puked all over the place, while at the same time apologizing to everyone. "I'm reall... prlrlrlughalalu... sorry.. prlrolrlfpfppf... bad food.. plughahgahggh..." and so on.

Even though of this "inconvience", the flight was quite pleasant and the puke acutally didn't stink at all.
Something similar happend when we arrived at Beijing Airport, a something like 8 year old girl was happily throwing up into her "Speibsackerl" just right in front of me (Ok not true.. she didn't really look happy)

Beside that I saw the north corean women soccer team, and met a nice guy from France who is also stuck here.

Theydonotunderstandmehere, Dawid


F*ck you asian unicorn

First of all, I'm off to Taiwan... see you some time next year! Starting in roughly 2 hours, I'll be on a 22 hour trip from Vienna to Frankfurt to Peking to Taipei.
The first weekend I'll be staying at a couchsurfers-place in Taipei to enjoy the Taipei Arts Festival (looking forward to it) and the cs'er with his self-given name Stanley, invited me with following words - "hope u have two mouth & two stomach ,there is lot's of Yummy food here :P ."
I like that :)
But that's not all, he also introduced me to.. *lighting+thunder*.. S A O L A.
Who/What is Saola you might ask? This is Saola...

... a huge typhoon is approaching Taiwan, and it will hit the island (yes, yes) on the 2nd of August, my planned arrival date.
So hopefully, I'm not getting stuck in Peking (for too long), and Saola turns out to be actually not that bad.

Well, I am excited! :)

See you over there,
Dawid the asian unicorn