
Las Los San

On the 1st of November we're going to Las Vegas. We'll stay there for 2 nights, then we'll keep on going to Los Angeles. Stay there until the 10th and go on to San Francisco, to fly back to New York on the 21st (i think).
Between Las Vegas, Los Angeles and San Francisco we'll take the Megabus (10 $ each ride and person). Not bad for 440 km and 620 km.

Zero tolerance towards time-wasting, David



That´s the subway here in Washington, isn´t that awesome?!

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

Captian Kirk on the Rocks


By the way, yesterday we watched a free hockey game (got the tickets from our Couchsurfer), Washington Capitals vs. Tampa Bay Lightings, was pretty cool. Washington won.

With great power, comes great responsibility. David


Jon Mortensen Bush

Two days ago we saw Bon Jovi (he is getting old), watched Eastern Promisses (WATCH THAT MOVIE, just do it), yesterday we went by Chinatownbus for 20 $ each to Washington, today we saw the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, the Capitol, the White House and the air and space museum.

I am tired, David



Just a quick update: We got back from Puerto Rico on the 18th, finally saw a CocoRosie concert (including Jim Jarmusch) on the 19th and going by bus to Washington DC on the 21st.

Busy, busy, Lifti


Captured in paradise

Back from Vieques and moved to another Couchsurfer. The island was really nice, we stayed on a beach, which was reserved just for us. We climb over rocks from one beach to another until we found our prefered one. We stayed for one night until we realized the flood did come and we were trapped on the beach. Luckily in the afternoon the water got back again, so we could get away from that beach.

If you wanna do something once, do it twice and it still doesn't work, it's Puerto Rico. David


mosquito island.

from tomorrow on we'll be sleeping on an unexplored beach somewhere on an island in front of puerto rico. god knows how we'll survive it (see title). but it sure will be interesting.


Puerto Rico.

coqui! i just heard them for the first time, though it was hard for me to make their birdlike sound out through david's auuuuuu's and ahhhhhh's, because of the mosquitoes. i think they will eat us alive. first language is spanish, but everybody's really really nice and helpful. in new york and chicago they had squirrels running around on every street corner, always just hiding behind the tree trunks when you approached them. here in puerto rico, they have all sorts of tiny lizards, doing the exact same thing. it is really humid and hot here. it's doesn't really cool off at night, either. and i asked for some other cities, and directions, and everything seems to be just 15 minutes away. it was a great thing to come here.

love, agnes.


Lil Girl "Cosmic Willingness" Pipe Dreamz A Revelation

So yesterday we got up at 4 am in Chicago to miss our flight to New York at 7:25 am. Yes, that sucks. Some emergency on the subway cost us 45 valuable minutes. But, we got an stand-by flight, at 9:20.
Finally arriving in New York at 3:10 with our bags searched again (they must love backpackers) we went by taxi directly into the city, to go with the Path train to New Jersey, to Jerome (a guy we stayed before). After a quick shower, we're on our way to Deitch Projects Gallery to see CocoRosie. After ten minutes of waiting we're able to go inside, to see the exhibition of Bianca Casady (actually one from the two girls of CocoRosie). Somehow nice, VERY strange and my opinion solidified, that art is only masturbation (that doesn't mean it's bad, it's just masturbation). We saw strange people, CocoRosie, gay people, dancing people, but what we didn't see, was a show. Yes, they didn't play a show.
But still... it was definitely worth it, was an awkward experience.

So finally back in NY, we went to Christopher Str. and everybody who knows the Christopher Str. Parade, knows what to expect.

We are leaving for Puerto Rico tomorrow morning, hopefully we won't miss the flight this time.

The death of Mad Vicky Lopez, David


Go Cups Go/We'll miss you

Yesterday we joined Adrian and some of his friends supporting the Chicago Cups. Since 99 years they've been not so good. But still, baseball is the most boring game in the world. It sucks. It's over 4 hours and you see fat people standing, waiting, doing nothing. Baseball is just a huge stupid excuse to drink beer. We drank Oldstyle, the official Cups beer, tasted like Gambrinous only with more water. Hey and don't forget, it's light beer ;). Isn't that awesome.
But the night was great, it was really really funny. We had a great time.
Tomorrow we'll get up at 4:00 to catch our flight back to NY. We'll fly from Chicago Midway over Atlanta to NY LaGuardia. Check that out on the map, it's crazy.

Last day in Chicago... well we're going to miss you. We got to know new friends and lost of nice people. So long dudes, hopefully we'll see you in Austria one day.

handle with care, David


me again

The weekend at the farm was awesome!!! We drank home made "letskillyourself" wine with an family big as 300 people. Crazy, man. One of our couchsurfer hosts took some pictures, so you'll see them the next days, stories will also follow. Right now, Agnes is buying an 160 GB iPod. Plans also changed, the New Yorker Festival was canceled, but still we're going back to NY. Instead of the Festival we're going to go to an FREE CocoRosie concert, yeahh. After that, we're up to Puerto Rico for nearly three weeks (not Toronto as we thought before). Kind of stupid thing is, in Puerto Rico right now is hurricane season. Today we've been up to the "highest" building of the world. The was pretty awesome, it took us only 60 seconds to get up to the 110th floor.

"Knock, knock." "Who's there?" "Ieatmyp" "Ieatmyp, who?" (think about it) David