
Yes we did it, survived September of 11th, but no, we took no pictures, sorry alex. I didn't feel too comfortable with it. We didn't even go to ground zero, there would have been so much security, searching your backpacks, and whatever... In fact, the whole remembering thing, was on every of those 400 tv channels, and I'm sure so it was in Austria. One cool thing we saw was the two blue lights, symbolizing the two towers.

Yesterday we also met the mother of our hosts, 92 years old, and still fresh as an green banana. She's surfing the internet and did already host a couchsurfer.

By the way today's the day of change the couchsurfer, today we move to New Jersey. To, Steve Byrne. Tell you about that later.

So long David

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

According to his pics, Steve looks like a cool person. Plus, David can talk about computing with him. ;)

Good luck with Steve in Jersey City or Hoboken, where the heck that ever may be!