

Yesterday with been to Soho (South Housten Str.) there, as you can imagine, we've been to the apple store. It is just so crazy, this store is huge, I mean really big, there are sooo many people in there. They even have a cinema-like thing there where the show how superduper awesome their new OS is.

We've also taken a quick look at the Central Park. This park is just great. In there you hardly can hear any noise from the city. We watched one funny thing, we saw like 4 families having a picnic together, all of them looked really rich, like they live near the Central Park, one of their little boys was running around with filmcamera. He was chasing two girls and always yelling at them: 'You can't say Penis! You can't say Penis!' *gg*

Sooo, 'You can't say Penis!'


Anonymous said...

Hey Agnes und David!! Wow euer Blog is geil!! Ich hab richtig das Gefühl wieder in NY zu sein!! Es freut mich total, das es euch so gut geht!!!! Ich bin bloß ein bisschen traurig, denn bei all euren schönen Beschreibungen möcht ich auch gleich wieder dort sein!! Ich vermisse NY, ich vermisse euch und überhaupt....

Anonymous said...

Und ob ich das kann;

Anonymous said...

i can say "penis", but like mc hammer said: you can't touch this (one)...

to the apple "superdome": look back in history, and you 'll find out that bad things always go hand in hand with good presentations. and if even the presentation is shady - build enourmous buildings and all the sheeps 'll follow you. worked 60 years ago, works still fine for apple... do you want the total iphone?

keep on writing, i reeeeally like your blog.

yours alex

Anonymous said...

Carry an iPhone, and you're just one of the lemmings.