
There is STRONG, and there is ARMY STRONG.

Hey there, after that strange Saturday, at Sunday we slept till 3pm and stayed home the whole day. At night we got invited by our hosts to a great meal at the Vietnamese. So during the day we watched television and got nearly seduced to join the Army. And we read a lot. During the stay in New York I found an awesome author, Kurt Vonnegut. He is truly amazing, read 2 books of him and his first novel "Slaughterhouse Five or The Children's Crusade" is just great. Has everything from 2nd World War to Alien sci-fi.

Join the Army, David

P.S.: Support our troops out there! (Check it out on youtube)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i asked myself if there are big events today to remember 9-11. if so, it would be nice if you could describe what's going on there and if you could also take some pics.

yours alex.