At the party we said, let's meet on Monday at 12 on the Brooklyn Bridge. That's what we did, they came from Manhattan, we from Brooklyn. So we 7, standing in the middlle of the Bridge, and it starts to rain. The first time here, and we can't go hide anywhere. So what I wrote Agnes and I did on Monday, we didn't do alone, but with all of them. When we saw that girl under the bridge jumping up and down, we did the same. Jumping up and down.
Running away into you! So true. David
P.S.: Today we're changing again, to Lisa Something, but we're coming back to Steve on Monday.
so we are spead over the world. Isn't it creazy?? It is!
By the way I'm missing you horribly!!
...spread... ;)
...spread... ;)
...spread... ;)
...spread... ;)
...spread... ;)
...spread... ;)
hey ihr!!!
arg, dass ihr Ganser getroffen habt - die welt ist ein dorf!
kling lustig eure zeit in NY. gut, dass ihr den 11.9. überlebt habt - hab mir schon sorgen gemacht ;-)
zu hause gibts fast nichts neues ausser, dass ich seit heute zum ersten mal in meinem Leben Besitzerin eines *trommelwirbel* Computers bin - eines laptops um genau zu sein!
genießt eure zeit
glg andi
ps.: hoffe, ihr habt diese (österreichische) nachricht verstanden - bin zu müde um englisch zu schreiben...
hey fucka, "to tired" is the little brother of "to little and to late"...;)
but anyway, that story is great, and i can imaging your grandson hating it, because he's hearing it the thousand time...
by the way: yesterday we were on the rudolfskai and didn't get involved in a fight...lil' disapointing... ;)
lg alex
yesterday i ran into a lamppost, so what?
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