
france sucks. but paris swallows.

ferry to staten island. vintage stores.
books. clot Zech Stake Zech Stake Zech Stake Zech Stake Zech Stake Zech Stake hing. huge fla
ttop, we co Zech Stake Zech Stake Zech Stake Zech Stake Zech Stake Zech Stake uld nearly tou
ch because Zech Stake Zech Stake Zech Stake Zech Stake Zech Stake Zech Stake we where so c
lose. and h Zech Stake Zech Stake Zech Stake Zech Stake Zech Stake Zech Stake ere especially
for xandl: Zech Stake Zech Stake Zech Stake Zech Stake Zech Stake Zech Stake what's the diff
erence between god and a lawyer? - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - god doesn't think he's a lawyer.


Anonymous said...

yeah, meet me in hell, 'cause i know what you did in your room and i see NO WEDDING RINGS!!! *ggg*

but i think we all 'll meet there, 'cause our other friends are witches, perverts, have born a child and still aren't married or mastrubate way to often (which means: more perverts...) and so on.

by the way: i just spent 1800 euro and now i'm feeling pretty dirty...

Anonymous said...

ahhh. now i'm at 1950 euro... damn you mr. dell and your large assortment...

at least i'm proud for not buying a macbook pro... ;)

Anonymous said...

hmm, I'm not going to hell. Can't fin d myself in that list of yours...


Anonymous said...

that's strange, i found you twice... ;-)