
Secret Society

Yesterday we said, hey, let's go get to Williamsburg. The hip, young, artsy community of New York. We looked it up on the map and went there by subway. Yes, that easy. No, it wasn't that easy. Finally there, we walked around, getting lost in the city, as we always do, and instead of seeing anything artsy, the only thing we found was the very, VERY big orthodox part of the city. That means jewish people everywhere, all dressed up in their tradiontal clothing. Strange thing is, they totally remind me of arabians. Like women have to wear Kopftuecher, everybody is only reading in their bible and for example we saw a church, there was an entry where it was strictly forbidden for women to go inside. So that was what we saw the whole day. I mean in Austria I said, hey I wanna see jewish people, but hey, not that much. Afterwards we found out, that we've been to Williamsburg but we just went in the wrong direction, and our hosts said, that they feel awkward too in that area, though they are jews.

So after all we decided just to stop by at the Atlantic Station grab something to eat and shop around at the local shopping streets. And there it happened, we realized we are the only white people in the whole area, you have see it like that, you look down in every direction as far as you can see, only black people. After that we though, wait the last two days we have not seen any white people at all, so where might they be. There's probably a secret society called The White, only meeting up at night.

After that we went to that lovely park between the two brigdes again. It quite and nice as always. There finally, the secret society of The White, came crawling out of their holes. We're lucky, because they had a free movie show in the evening. We saw one of my new favorite movies, the princess bride.

Guys, check it out! Again, this park was the best place to be.

My name is DAVID


Anonymous said...

My name is JOE!

Have you paid your internet bills for august?

Weil ich hab heute unser WG Konto aufgelöst, waren noch ca. 96 Euronen drauf (wir teilen einfach durch vier haben der gregor und ich ausgemacht). Jetzt glaube ich aber, dass ihr wahrscheinlich noch nicht die Internetgebühren für August überwiesen habt, in diesem Falle würde ich mir gerne diesen Teil (ca. 12,25€) einstecken. Falls dass nicht so ist, meldet euch bei mir. Und die Agnes soll mir ihre KontoNr. + Bibabo per mail schicken (nuke01 (at-fuckyouspam) gmx.at), damit ich ihr die geschuldeten 7€ fürn Chinesen zurückzahlen kann. Sry about that! Aber dann kann ich auch den Rest vom WG-Konto überweisen

Anonymous said...

yeah, that really sounds strange. i mean you went to williamsburg which is supposed to be the coolest place in town and you all you see is a large crowd of jews. at that moment i would have stopped and started screaming "oh my god - isreal invaded new york. they took care of all the young artists and now they 'll went after my foreskin..." ;-)

but enough of my paranoia, let's talk about your other experiences.

beeing surrounded by a whole lot of black guys has to be a very strange feeling, but i think you could earn a lot of respect if you start to rap or dancebattle with one of them...

have fun and greet a white guy - if you see one... ;-)


Anonymous said...

my daddy, horst, once showed me a jewish foto-shop when we were visiting new york.
wow... every employe was jewish, the whole shop. they even had own jewish selling-methods where your bought things were transported by baskets flying through the air to the exit.
fantastic and also a little bit scary. you're never sure if you'd really recieve your new belongins at the end!

so, mein englisch ist katastroblanco, und ich bin zu faul wörter nachzuschauen "kopftuch"

lg axl

Anonymous said...

Sounds motherfuckin' terrific!! I'd love to go back there. Well, fuck.

So you are part of a secret society, huh?... Can I be in it, too... or is my penis too huge? ... ah, who am I kidding...

have fun under the bridge
andi fuka

Mama said...

hallo ihr beiden, ich freue mich sehr dass ihr gut angekommen seid. ich lese den text, muß aber immer zuerst übersetzen. mußte mich aber zuerst hier anmelden und das hat gedeuert. bei uns ist es auch stressig, weil noch arbeitsmäßig noch einiges zu erledigen ist und der urlaub steht auch vor der türe. bussi von mama, grüsse von friedrich