
departure and flight details.

ok, first of all, i wanna mention the farewell party we throw on saturday. you are of course all invited and welcome to bring friends. it starts around 8pm, at our apartment (kapuzinerstr. 27), and be sure to bring your own booze.

second of all. here are the details of our departure:

07-08-28            11am.     my mom picks us up to the airport in
                           4pm.     our flight departs (hopefully on time).
                           5pm.     arrival in london.
                           8pm.     connecting flight to our final destination
                                         new york.
                    10.30pm.     (local time) we have finally arrived after
                                         many many hours of halfsleep, bad
                                         movies, free beer, super-handsome
                                         stewards, and way too cold air.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...