
it's britney, bitch

Yihhaa... take a picture with your mobile, print it with a shitty printer, and your have it: POLAROID, and it's awesome. I bought a cam yesterday and i love it.

Deercocaine We've also been to the millennium park, there you can find lots of awesome art.
What do you do, if your and bad ass deer hunter, but your too lazy to actually hunt something. There can only be one answer, deer cocaine. You just get the deers addicted to that stuff. When you finally wanna shot something the deers come running towards you to get more of it.

damn delicious, david


Gotham City

The new Batman is being shot here in Chicago. They turned the post office into the Gotham City police department. So Agnes is hoping to see Heath Ledger, The Joker.

Well, yesterday we had the first time problems getting into a club, because of Agnes not being 21. Well, sucks somehow, but it's ok.
Our couchsurfing hosts a pretty cool, they invited us to a wedding. It's one of those original american "redneck" weddings, on a farm. If you want to shoot a deer and spend time in nature, you can go to that farm. So I'm looking forward to thtat. Lots of eating and lots of drinking with an original "unique" big white family.



Ich mechat in Martin recht herzlich dazu gratulieren das er in WCIII auf 350 RANDOM victorys gekommen ist.

Martin, SUPER!

Chicago Chicago Chicago

Yes it's true finally Chicago. After a 2 hour flight, the city of Al Capone, Jazz and the biggest tower in the USA. Yesterday we got drunk and today we're going to meet Ralph (the guy from Jai Alai Savant).

See ya, Daviddddd


spider bjork, spider bjork, does whatever a spider bjork does.

we got up, watched braveheart. and went to a BJORK concert!

it was so perfectly amazing. so many special effects, like lasers, snow, spiderwebs out of bjorks fingers*, fire...
she played all the good new songs and some of the most amazing older one. she even gave oceania (which she hadn't played a single time since the olympics) to the best.
i love her so much.

here a video.

it's not from yesterday, but from coachella last year.

anyways, agnes.


noah's ark.

we've been to the amazing bronx zoo today. it's huge!

highlights were the tigers, you could have touched because there were so close (hadn't there been that glaswindow).
thousands of little crazy monkeys.
the "world of darkness" where they had all sorts of night animals, like huge bats, crawling around.
and the bison.
i loved it there.


krist is back from venice and she brought some awsome pictures with her.

check it out.




we didn't do anything.

Captain Baseball

Yersterday we've been to the movies. Watched Mr. Woodcock, Billy Bob Thorton at it's best, but in fact just an oridnary love-fun comedy made in Hollywood.

Jersey city itself is quite boring.
At night there was a big fight in front of our "apartment", including a big mexican guy beating a chinese guy, with an baseball bat from an black guy. In the middle a woman screaming like joe when he sees a girl. It ended with 4 police and 2 ambulance cars.
I also ate an 5$ burger, that wasn't worth it, and we wanted to go to the Bronx Zoo today, but it is raining.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Lifti


Back to Black

Heyhey, there we're again, in the city, not really, just in Hoboken. But still, were back. Yesterday we got to know Christina and Jerome, two friends of Anthony. They were really nice, two photographers. They've been always traveling around in the world. Jerome for example spent 2 and a half years just traveling through Asia. They told us some nice tricks to travel cheaper, further, ... when we succefully tried one of those things, we'll let you know.

Today's Jersey City on the plan.

ca, David

P.S.: Bud Light is like drinking from a (warm) puddle of mud


friedrich asked how we get from one place to the other. in new york we use the metro system, that means subway, and buses for 74 dollars monthly. most couchsurfers so far lived inside the city so it was no problem getting there. to new jersey we took the PATH train (a train system through new jersey). and orville picket us up by car.

we will fly to chicago and back, the same for canada. and will take chinatown buses to washington.

chinatown buses are cheap buses that take you from one chinatown to another. i think to chicago it's around 35 dollars there and back again.

i hope that answers your question, friedrich.

i'm glad you came back savely.


ludu. luda. loser!

we spent the whole day sitting around, reading, eating (just like at home). david didn't feel too well, so we didn't go to german class. instead we found a nice jamaican boardgame called ludu. it's like a mix between mensch aergere dich nicht and malefitz. we played it with four people (orville and his sister)'till we were overcome by fatigue.

love. agnes.



So, plans for the next weeks. On the 25th of September, after the Bjork concert on the 24th, we're going to Chicago, stay at Ralphs place (the guy from "The Jai Alai Savant") for 14 days. Come back to New York on the 5th, to go to the New Yorker Festival on the 6th. After that, we're thinking of going to Carly's place, also a former couchsurfer of us, up to Toronto.

I am Liftinger David, you killed my father, prepare to die!


"Das Fenster ist schmutzig"

Yersterday, I finally realized, we're in the Garden State, YESS! We also saw the William Paterson University were Orvielle used to go (In Austria he told us his second name, Anthony just beacause nobody could really pronounce his first name, Orvielle). A huge university with erverything you need, football field, tennis courts, swimming pool, basketball fields, ... At night we joined Orvielle at his germanclass. So we sitting in an original american class, where 20 grown ups, all speak together:"Der Tisch ist neu." This was really nice.

Inconceivable, David


Jamacia here we are

The next days we're going to stat with our couchsurfing friend Anthony (bron in Jamacia). He stayed with us in the Kapuzinerstrasse for 2 nights. So we're right now in a small town in New Jersey. Greetings from Anthony to Joe (the Captain) and Gregor (Trixie).

Sorry, for the short messages, but the last days internet was short. Right now I'm typing this with a 56k dial-up.

As you wish, Lifti



hey there, our new place is pretty nice, though our host reminds me dangerously on the crazy catlady from los simpsons. Last night one of their cats first tried to scratch my eyes out and suffocate me, in sleep. Just before the cat tried to kill Agnes. 

But, well THIS IS SPARTA! (*keuch* couchsurfing)

See you soon, Agnes and David!


Hey! ho! let's go!

Yes, that's what happend, we met goose. Imagine the dirtiest corner in whole new york city, there we met him. We were walking down the street to a couchsurfer party, and met drunken goose with 4 other austrians, just standing there. I was like: "Klaus, Ganser Klaus" and he looked at me like a drunken ninja, and didn't move. After seconds of just standing still, he realized that I am me, and I finally ralized that it is him. So we invited them to join that party (10 dollar + drink as much as you can). It is sooo crazy, 10 million people, and we meet on some dirty corner.

At the party we said, let's meet on Monday at 12 on the Brooklyn Bridge. That's what we did, they came from Manhattan, we from Brooklyn. So we 7, standing in the middlle of the Bridge, and it starts to rain. The first time here, and we can't go hide anywhere. So what I wrote Agnes and I did on Monday, we didn't do alone, but with all of them. When we saw that girl under the bridge jumping up and down, we did the same. Jumping up and down.

Running away into you! So true. David

P.S.: Today we're changing again, to Lisa Something, but we're coming back to Steve on Monday.

That's was happend on Saturday


Yes we did it, survived September of 11th, but no, we took no pictures, sorry alex. I didn't feel too comfortable with it. We didn't even go to ground zero, there would have been so much security, searching your backpacks, and whatever... In fact, the whole remembering thing, was on every of those 400 tv channels, and I'm sure so it was in Austria. One cool thing we saw was the two blue lights, symbolizing the two towers.

Yesterday we also met the mother of our hosts, 92 years old, and still fresh as an green banana. She's surfing the internet and did already host a couchsurfer.

By the way today's the day of change the couchsurfer, today we move to New Jersey. To, Steve Byrne. Tell you about that later.

So long David


The day before yesterday, the next day, we did some touristy stuff. We finally went to the Time Square and wow... this is the REAL bling bling. Everywhere you look at, everything you see, all is enlighten. It's ridiculous! Even the sign for the NYC Police Department is blinking. If you are an epileptic, hey that's the place to be.

We also went to the biggest shopping center in NY, to Macy's. But that's kind of stupid. You can buy everything and nothing. I don't know, a bit strange.

Before that got in the first rain in New York, sadly we were in the middle of the Brooklyn Bridge, so it was hardly possible not getting really wet. So we went to Grimaldi's the best place you can buy pizza in whole New York, whatever. We've also been to the DUMBO park again, and there we saw a photo shot of Lacoste. A beautiful long legged, blond woman jumping up and down on a trampoline, in a very short dress. Looked pretty funny.

Elvis has left the building, Lifti


There is STRONG, and there is ARMY STRONG.

Hey there, after that strange Saturday, at Sunday we slept till 3pm and stayed home the whole day. At night we got invited by our hosts to a great meal at the Vietnamese. So during the day we watched television and got nearly seduced to join the Army. And we read a lot. During the stay in New York I found an awesome author, Kurt Vonnegut. He is truly amazing, read 2 books of him and his first novel "Slaughterhouse Five or The Children's Crusade" is just great. Has everything from 2nd World War to Alien sci-fi.

Join the Army, David

P.S.: Support our troops out there! (Check it out on youtube)



Yesterday happened such a crazy, super duper, terrific, awesome and kind of scary thing. But I can't tell you.

ca David



Yesterday it was the first time we got to knew a bit of New York nightlife. The week before we got invited to an exhibition of two artists, including free snacks, free red and white wine and of course free beer. So we went there and had a couple of drinks, and before we went home we sat in a park and watched the Manhattan skyline at night. It was pretty nice. Good thing of New York's number 1 transportation system is, it runs 24 hours a days.

See ya, D a v i d


Lower Manhattan

Hey there, it's me again. Yesterday we just walked around in Lower Manhattan with our heads up to the sky. I have to admit these skyscrapers are really really high. We saw the American Express Tower, Woolworth Building, ... and so on. We also took another look at Ground Zero. Well it is not so impressive just a huge building ground.

So, see you on the other side, David


france sucks. but paris swallows.

ferry to staten island. vintage stores.
books. clot Zech Stake Zech Stake Zech Stake Zech Stake Zech Stake Zech Stake hing. huge fla
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lose. and h Zech Stake Zech Stake Zech Stake Zech Stake Zech Stake Zech Stake ere especially
for xandl: Zech Stake Zech Stake Zech Stake Zech Stake Zech Stake Zech Stake what's the diff
erence between god and a lawyer? - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - god doesn't think he's a lawyer.


Williamsburg revisited

Finally, yes finally, we found it. Cool, hipster Williamsburg and with loads of twenty-somethings in it. finally something i really enjoyed, lots, and when i say lots i mean LOTS (!) of awesome record stores, with every single vinyl i could think of. i'll probably spend my whole money there. there also was an even nicer park than the one under the bridge. it's the only place you go down to the seaside, in williamsburg.

but the thing i liked most, were the graffities . next time i have to bring my camera.

thanx to lonely planet, we found a huge 70's vintage store. they had so many things there, you couldn't even look through them on one single day. i bought a pair of shoes and a t-shirt there.

buying records, dvds, reading books, thinking about getting tattooed again.... = our day in williamsburg.

love. agnes.


pain in the ass.

we did a 4 hours bike ride through brooklyn. phil (our host) took us to see places like the best known hot dog stand (nathan's) where they always have those hot dog eating contests. last year joey chestnut ate 66 hot dogs in 12 minutes.

also we saw an old wooden roller coaster, old school freak shows, and went to eat pizza at the most famous pizza place. even the sopranos go there. i know i know, you could think that phil is obsessed with eating. but well, we had a great time, and couldn't move the whole day. so we ended up watching stupid reality shows no one ever heard of.

good thing was, we also saw a really interesting interview with robin williams.

so that was what we did yesterday, and what will happen today only little cats scratching each others necks (and some homefries) know....

love. agnes.


Yesterday with been to Soho (South Housten Str.) there, as you can imagine, we've been to the apple store. It is just so crazy, this store is huge, I mean really big, there are sooo many people in there. They even have a cinema-like thing there where the show how superduper awesome their new OS is.

We've also taken a quick look at the Central Park. This park is just great. In there you hardly can hear any noise from the city. We watched one funny thing, we saw like 4 families having a picnic together, all of them looked really rich, like they live near the Central Park, one of their little boys was running around with filmcamera. He was chasing two girls and always yelling at them: 'You can't say Penis! You can't say Penis!' *gg*

Sooo, 'You can't say Penis!'



Hey there! You won't believe it, i'm writing this from an iphone, and it's so cool!

The Universal Soldier

Hello there again,

yesterday we've been to the lovely manhattan beach. The Atlantic Ocean was pretty cold, but the weather was nice and we got a sunburn. After that we went to the Wall Street, where in fact nobody was because of the weekend, except tourist, tourist and tourist. We saw Lady Liberty from far away and a memorial for the Korean war veterans that made an impression on me.

So, see ya and thanks for all the comments, we really appreciate that. David



another day spent at the park just to head over to the floating pool they have there. you have a very nice view of Manhattan from there, and plus the non-stop whistling of the life guards, it made a really nice experience.

then we headed over to manhattan, by foot over the brooklyn bridge. i never thought that any bridge could be so overwhelmingly beautiful...i could have stood there gazing all my life.

then we met other people from the secret society, and since we at least looked like them, they didn't mind us haveing there. it was a free battles concert, with deerhunter as opener. it was soooooo awesome....one of the best bands live.

"....weeega woooga weeega woooga weilanst waaagi..."
